完成氣象局測站更新後 觀測資料下載測試工作
並且同步進行 報表模組 使用測站id調整工作
修正測站id調整後 報表模組無法取得資料之設定問題
9thRMO_Report 1.00 default.xml,Location with id C1Z020 does not exist;
5thRMO_Report 1.00 default.xml,Location with id C1M550 does not exist;
4thRMO_Report 1.00 default.xml,Location with id C0I090 does not exist;
3rdRMO_Report 1.00 default.xml,Location with id C1F870 does not exist;
2ndRMO_Report 1.00 default.xml,Location with id C0E530 does not exist;
1stRMO_Report 1.00 default.xml,Location with id C1U500 does not exist;
National Taipei University of Technology
Jhih-Cyuan Shen